Latest News Items:

Family Fur-st Drive Thru Pet Food Pantry -- Saturday July 11th, 2020

Drive Thru Pet Food Pantry July 11, 2020

Shamrock Newsletter Q1 2020 -- Monday March 30th, 2020

The 1st Quarter 2020 Winter Edition of the Shamrock Newsletter is now available!

You Shop. Amazon Gives. -- Monday November 11th, 2019

With the upcoming holiday season, we wanted to remind you that Shamrock Rescue Foundation is setup with AmazonSmile. Designate Shamrock Rescue Foundation as your charity and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Shamrock whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.





Pendants for Paws Fundraiser -- Monday November 5th, 2018

Pendant for PawsPendants for Paws has partnered with Shamrock Rescue Foundation to help us fundraise for the next two weeks! Until Sunday, November 18th, Pendant for Paws is offering to give us 20% of their sales! The proceeds will help us care for the dogs we have rescued. The more you shop, the more it will help us. So, get a head start on your Christmas shopping or find a little something to treat yourself!

Please visit to shop and help us out at the same time! In order for us to get the sale, please put "Shamrock Rescue Foundation" in the notes to seller section when you check out. Otherwise we will not get the sale. Please share this offer on your page so others have the chance to help us out too. Thank you everyone for your continued support!